"We'd never heard of Off The Wall until our daughter Jamie started considering it during her freshman year of college. She wasn’t sure about her choice of major or school, and she didn’t know what was next for her future. She knew someone involved in the program and wanted to explore the option, but we were a little hesitant. Off The Wall is far away from our home in Wisconsin, and we were concerned with its credibility since we didn't know its reputation.

We became more comfortable with the idea of Jamie leaving school when she formed a plan to enroll in online courses to continue her education while in Off The Wall. We were still concerned with its credibility though, and the last thing we wanted was for Jamie to be preached a false Gospel.

This changed about 3-4 months into her time in the program. When Jamie talked about her classes, she shared that the staff teach directly from Scripture, and they strongly advise students to read the Bible for themselves to form their own beliefs. We loved that she was able to meet with a mentor, and she was learning a lot from her classes. It was exciting to hear.

Jamie was clearly transforming. There was a huge change in her level of confidence, and we especially started to notice this in her second semester. She was able to articulate her feelings and beliefs more clearly - from her heart instead of just her head.

She was happier. She made really good friends and was spending her time doing more than just sitting in a dorm doing homework. We saw her start to pursue deep relationships with others and truly enjoy spending time with those people.
She’d had an intentionality with faith before, but now she was starting to live out her Christian life because she was confident and gained practical steps. She was receiving solid counsel from the staff and was in an environment where she could seek godly wisdom in hard times. She didn’t have that in college.

Now that we’ve seen the work of Off The Wall, we are really impressed with the program and their goals to help young adults seek Christian community and growth. They do a great job of that. We love that they focus on the importance of getting involved in the local church, and a lot of kids never get the chance to be discipled by solid Christian adults like the students at Off The Wall do.

Off The Wall is a great program for young adults who are ready to jump into service, growth and involvement in the church. It was a great fit for our daughter, and it has impacted her life forever."

-John & Cheri Anderson
Parents of Jamie Anderson, student in 2017-2018